Did You Know any of the Hidden Gems of Global Intangible Cultural Heritage?

Uncover the Vibrant Traditions That Shape Our World

3 min readApr 15, 2024
Photo by Aaron Greenwood on Unsplash

Have you ever wondered what makes your culture unique? Is it the stories your grandparents told you, the dances you learned as a child, or maybe the special meals prepared during festivals? Across the world, every nation boasts about its traditions which are not just rituals but are a sign of their identity. Today, let me bring you to some of the world’s most extraordinary intangible cultural heritages. These are not just old objects in museums, but living traditions that bring cultures to life.

The Soulful Sounds of Music and Dance

In Colombia, the rhythmic beats of Vallenato music echo through the air. This traditional music style, featuring the accordion, caja (a small drum), and Guacharaca (a percussive scraper), is more than entertainment — it’s a way of storytelling, reflecting the everyday joys and struggles of the people.

Photo by Susann Schuster on Unsplash

Let’s move to the east, Japan celebrates its ancient theatrical art of Kabuki. With its dramatic storytelling, vibrant costumes, and…




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